H.S.E Policy


It is LAYER FIVE INTEGRATED LIMITED policy that all activities shall be planned and executed in a manner that:

1. Preserves the health, safety and security of all staff and contractor staff/personnel and members of the public

2. Preserves the integrity and security of company assets.

3. Minimizes the impact of operations on the environment,

4. Is sensitive to the needs of the host communities

To this effect:

  • All activities shall be analyzed to systematically identify related hazards/risks and sensitivities.
  • Arrangements shall be put in place to systematically identify related hazards/ risks and sensitivities and to
    deal with consequences should they arise.
  • Any activity, which is unhealthy, unsafe, and environmentally unsound or may adversely impact relations
    with the community, shall be suspended until an acceptable solution is found.
  • All personnel, including those of contractors, shall be trained and made fully aware of the hazards, risks and
    sensitivities, and controls in place.
  • Plans and procedures shall be in place to respond to any emergency or loss of control.

Every LAYER FIVE employee and contractor employee should perform his work in accordance with this policy. Each employee is required to report, and where necessary suspend any activity, which he considers is in contravention of this policy.


(Director, Projects)